Sunday, December 26, 2010

My Most Favorite Christmas!

I've had a few Christmas mornings in my day, but this one takes the cake. Maybe it was my family finally being complete or maybe it was Turner's expressions as he opened gifts. Whatever the case, this was my absolute favorite Christmas, to date. 

Friday night we brought this hand made botique style tutu and wand to our friend AJ. She celebrated her second birthday Christmas Eve. 

 My sweet little reindeer has begun to sleep on his own, in his crib, for naps and a few hours at a time at night. He takes a baba and just coos himself to sleep. He's started sitting up and is just a delight. 

 Really, he's the ABSOLUTE reason I'd have 10 more kids. 

 Turner was SO excited to put the cookies out for the fat guy. 

 The tree and loot before the morning destruction! 

 Turner when he first spotted the stockings! 

 Eli is really not a morning person; especially when he's woken up.

Our family of five!

 These kids would have been content with their stockings. 

 My heart and my life! These crazy ass kids make my day. 

 Eli was quite overwhelmed and preferred to play with just a few toys. 

 Mainly, he loved the truck Turner picked out for him! 

 Light sabers were the popular toy. Along with the "Good Night" helmet and Star wars toys.

Deacon was kind enough to wait until after gifts to present us with an explosive diaper.

After he was all changed I sat him up and he he was able to balance for the first time!

 The sun in my shine and the happy in my ness. This little boy puts all my fears of three kids to rest.
 He is such a doll!

We had such a great morning watching the boys rip open gifts and really enjoy themselves!

1 comment:

Christine said...

LOVE all the pictures! I wanna eat that baby up!! And Turner 'n Ollie... man such handsome big boys!

Also, makes me the SMALLEST bit jealous of your white Christmas...


You & your family are adorbs as always! <3

What a fantastic job you did on the tutu!!!

Here's wishing you a very happy New Year my friend!