(FIRST...like the new look?!? My rad friend, Christine, has mad photoshop skills! Thanks, Christine!!!)
We were living in Japan and John was gone. SURPRISE! So, I marched my happy self to MWR (Morale Welfare & Recreation) and found a trip to take. Just so happened I hopped a bus to a
Fertility Festival! (Ok, so it seems my pictures are a week off as the festival is held March 15, but let's go with it...)
Tori gate entrance to the festival. |
Wooden plaque called 'ema.' You write wishes on them and leave them at a shrine. |
Early cherry blossoms. |
According to locals, you crawl through this for good fertility luck. Well, shoot. It worked... |
Vulva, people. Follow me with the theme of the day here. |
Touching the penis for fertility. |
Large wooden penis. |
More touching for good luck. Again, I'm certain it was not needed. |
Phallic reference of the nose... |
Pretty sure this one speaks for itself! |
There are always parades for pomp and circumstance. |
This held the new wooden penis for the year. |
Japan has some spectacular street food! This was some of the less random foods available: fried rice! |
Is that a banana in your pocket? |
The mochi (pounded rice) formed in to balls. It was being thrown from a roof for God knows what reason. I stood under an awning to avoid being pegged with this 1,000 pound 90 mile and hour fastball. Then I ran to pick one up to pose for a picture!! |
The same weekend, I went rock climbing somewhere on Kanagawa prefecture. I wish I had blogged then so I could remember the name of this place. It was beautiful. I had a great work out and met some new friends.
We were climbing the walls on either side in this gap. |
It seems after all that fun, I still had energy to come home to take "MySpace" pictures for John. Check out the hair!! ...and the FIVE head! |
1 comment:
Look at that long, curly hair!! :)
Wasn't that festival something else?! I'm so glad Mike and I had a chance to check that out while we were there. And don't know if our going has anything to do with it, but I was pregnant a month later... ;-)
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