Friday, December 26, 2008

And to All a Goodnight!

This was the first year Turner really "got" the whole gift thing. I was so excited I practically threw him down the stairs. He was a little confused but the realized there were some new toys out. He first recognized that the tree had gifts under it. Then, he saw the Thomas stuff in his stocking and went for that. After a little coaxing, he started investigating his trampoline and that was really fun! My little Nern is such a cautious kid, he always asks first. We'll see how long that lasts...

We had a great time opening gifts, sifting through tiny bits of paper and trying not to get stabbed by the tree. Ollie was in to EVERYTHING. We realized he's a wire chewer and that's no fun...

In all, Turner got waaaaaay too much. Trains, track, cars, trucks, a Sprig Rig, clothes, trampoline, musical instruments, doctor kits and the list goes on and on. Ollie got the usual 6 month old toys. It was just fun to get up early and enjoy John's gingerbread pancakes and turkey and apple sausage!

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