Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Before I Had Three Kids

Welcome to the first installation of "Before I Had Three Kids" where I'll tell you something I thought before I had three kids. Naive? Sometimes. Stupid? Abso-freakin-lutely.

Here we go.

Before I Had Three Kids...

I thought it was so gross that one's subsequent children could be sick at a young age. I mean, how can that happen to such a little baby? Honestly, my kids never had to go to day care of any sort so they were never exposed to tons of different germs and viruses early. Say what you want, I just thought it was a lack of attention on the parents' part. They could wash their hands better and try to not let the bigger kids put their dirty little paws and snot on the baby.

Well, it just happens...

Dunks with his first fever, thanks to his first run-in with the flu.

Now that I have my own day care of sorts, I see that some things just get passed around. My hands are cracked and bleeding from washing, but sometimes there isn't enough time between snot wiping to cleanse again. I tried to keep the bigs from kissing on the little, but they love him and I'm not going to be accused of squashing affection. 

C'est la vie. 

1 comment:

Mike and Cicely said...

Don't you just love how your thinking changes once you become a parent? Hope Baby Deacon and his big bros are all better by now. Sick or not, he looks super adorable and I am so sad I didn't get the chance to hold him the last time I saw y'all!